CASTING4SOULS TONGA 2020 3 (1).png

Casting4Souls Tonga 2020

The Kingdom of Tonga has asked for our help and Fishers of Mens West Coast is partnering with Souls4Souls to answer the call. This is your chance to “be the change you want to see in the world”. You’d be traveling to a place so far away that between the cultural difference and the time difference, you’ll experience both the past and the future at the same time.

We have a few open slots available for a team of 20 that will heading out to this amazing South Pacific island this coming April 21-30, 2020.

For the 8-day trip, the cost per person will be $2,999 including roundtrip airfare. Of that, a $500 deposit is due by December 1st, 2019. All travelers must pay their trip balance by 30 days in advance of the trip. What is and is not included in this cost? This tax-deductible program fee includes all in-country expenses (lodging, meals, transportation, partner & guide fees, excursions, special projects, travel insurance, pre-and-post trip materials, shipping & clearing of shoes, and S4S travel coordinator). The only additional costs include luggage fees, souvenir shopping, drinks & tourism (including fishing opportunities which will be available).

Questions? Please contact us at or you can reach out to Soles4Souls directly - Joel Roberts can be reached at


Please register for the trip here & make your $500 deposit by December 1, 2019 or to make future payments!

 “No person stands so tall as when they stoop down to help their fellow man.”